Sunday, August 05, 2007

Pain: The Gift Nobody Wants

This week went by very swiftly. Kinda busy to post something detailed. But here's one article I read that I felt was interesting.

A little serious, but worth a think!

Dr Brand, a world-renowed hand surgeon and leprosy specialist has spent most of his life caring for the forsaken lepers in India.

He discovered that the disease itself was not causing the rotting of the flesh, but rather it was the loss of pain sensation.

Leprous people live a virtually pain-free existence. Many of us would do anything to live a pain-free life. Yet in fact, the absence of pain is the greatest enemy of the leper. Again and again they wound and impale themselves. Yet they don’t feel a thing.

Without pain, they would sometimes even stick their hands in a fire to retrieve objects.

"If leprosy is the inability to feel pain, then alcohol and drug addiction, which deaden our pain, are forms of modern day leprosy."

Rev. Ed Hird

I guess we should be thankful after all, be it physical or non-physical pain that we have to go through...

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