Sunday, June 17, 2007


Or, how to meet my needs and fear of not feeling stagnant and bored

Especially after having had a stimulating & enriching year in Japan

2 weeks left to June. 4.5 months since relocating back (only 4.5? why does it feel so long already?)

I cannot live the same as I used to before I ventured out of this country. I am not contented with doing nothing, no progression.

Here's a lineup of activities to keep myself busy & stimulated for the rest of June.

Every Wednesday
, to attend yoga classes @ Planet Fitness. Read that European countries have resorted to yoga in order to increase productivity. Patents on Yoga positions? haha check this out.

June 23: Join Company's Volunteer Trip
to Pasir (okay but I have to confess I screwed up, I didnt register although I always talked about joining, and T-shirts have already been issued to volunteers). Need to sort this out, and squeeze myself in!

June 23: Visit new Japanese Karaoke
started up by friend who used to live in Tokyo. Chat, drink and catch up with old friends from Tokyo - first time since I got back!

June 28: Chartered Accountants dinner
, a fine occasion to meet up fellow CA mates and attend an investment session "Managing our wealth in the current market" conducted by an Investment Consultant, Executive Director, from UBS.

June 30th: Friend flying from Tokyo
, finally, thats why I say the world is really small. This friend wrote me an email recently and told me Tokyo is really small as we realize that a lot of our friends are inter-connected. Imagine, if Tokyo is small, what about Singapore? The world is indeed connected in many ways, in a much larger sense than we ever realize.

As a human being, I want to be happy and dont want to feel pain or distress. Other humans, like myself, want to be happy too and dont want to feel distress. Based on this logic, I made a rather major decision. Consulted no one this time.


Anonymous said...

What decision is this? I wonder...

Hey Emi... yeah.. I left Tokyo already half a year but it seems like too long..

Enjoy your summer events! I am heading to Montreal for July 1! there is an international jazz and fireworks festival! very looking forward to it

eimi said...

Hi e,

Oh no many people asking about this be revealed if appropriate...

Your summer definitely sounds more exciting than my summer events (even though its summer here all year round!!) Jazz and fireworks.. definitely suits U!!