Thursday, June 01, 2006

Month-end & Quarter-end

Its that time of the year again. On one hand I like the excitment, on the other, its also a period some pple get really uptight. Omg I cannot imagine year-end. Today was really kinda unlucky. But it would be too boring to pen down the accounting details..., so to sum up, my colleague got away with 3 major P&L mistakes with being a funny person (lucky him), whereas myself had 2 (both not major) yet my boss did not seem too pleased. So, tell me how the world works. I think the conclusion is if you are a comical person, when you make mistakes you are easily forgiven. If you are a serious person and you made mistake, even if its a small one -- u are doomed! So, y dont i be a less-serious person and laught abt every mistake made...ho ho ho.

Yes, laught about it -- thats life.

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