Saturday, January 20, 2007

Current countdown..where is the peace?
After I wake up tomorrow.. it will be down to one last Saturday left in Tokyo.

For today, I ran out and met up with friends to watch a Shomyo Chant @ Spiral Garden @ fashion street Aoyama. Although Spiral Garden is an art gallery, today, leading priests of different sects come together, harmomizing on shomyo chant.

Of course I didnt quite fully comprehend during the sacred chanting, but after the performance, Miki-chan gave us all a more in-depth explanation. I followed-up with further research at home. This is traditional Japanese Buddist chanting; performing a 1,200 year old song, along with a scared ceremony that was practiced during the Edo period.

Although the instrumental tone was repetitive, I thought that was the best part as there were sho mouth organ, hichiriki pipe, and others played along with the chanting. I have never seen these unique instruments upfront.

The costumes were colourful yet solemn. Apparently this has attracted interest from around the world with its multilayered sound and power.

The ceremony was meant to ensure the "rebirth of women". Women in white kimono were blindfolded as they crossed an area covered with white cloth symbolizing a bridge from this world to heaven. As part of the audience, I believed I was blessed too.

Relocating home to Singapore seems more difficult compared to the initial move to Tokyo. Well, I had one full month with no work responsibilities to prepare back then. Now, I dont have such a luxury, sometimes with the many many tasks left and yet interesting deadlines for - work, packing, bank account, phone line, gifts, shopping - I feel like cracking.

I feel like I have to constantly remind myself, not to allow the tight deadlines and stress to weigh me down, to discourage me with no purpose, or interfere with how I handle my life or my ability. This is the last two weeks of the one year assignment.. I cannot afford to crack.


Anonymous said...

In Tokyo, there are really various interesting types of performances, arts, innovations unheard of out of Japan.

Relocation is definitely a highly stress event, especially if timeline is tight. You need to stay focus and not indulge in the stress. Dont let it pull you back for no reason :-)

Anonymous said...

Interesting performance you attended. Sounds like spirtual turned into art. Agree with Kate, Tokyo definitely has many interesting arts to offer

Relocation can be systematic and planned. I have done it before, yeah stay focus & keep moving!

Anonymous said...

You wun crack my dear! You have survived sleepless nights, incredulous deadlines and unending assignments back in KPMG. AND you had the courage to call an end to all the above!
Take time to enjoy the last month in Tk. I am sure you will pull it off. Take care!

-Ee Poh-