We may think that second time round, breastfeeding may be easier with experience and you would have learned from the errors from the firstborn. Well it hasn't become simpler. Here's how breastfeeding my second kid may actually be more complicated.
I breastfed TD till he was 13 months. I hope to do the same with Ath. The journey is challenging with Ath as she is so aware, I will call it. Firstly after we introduced bottles to her, she preferred to drink via bottle since it is easier. Constant flow. No need to deal with let down. That got me a little frantic as my helper can only feed a bottle a day. Plus pump just does not work as well in terms of extracting all milk since I get engorgement issues quite frequently. In addition I feel more tired pumping than latching.
Plus this time round with more milk, the flow is too fast for Ath to handle. I frantically tried to cut flow so as to latch her well. In the beginning I was fed papaya fish soup three times a week to build the milk flow. That might have overboost the supply haha, although no one should really complain about too much milk. Typically she only needs to take one side which would be 70 - 100ml per side which can fill her up. Anyhow, she was frustrated when the flow was too fast. I finally found the solution. To lie down to latch to slow the flow. Plus if it feels very full, to pump out 30ml first. Now this method is working.
Then came my first engorgement, when I overslept because of DOM. 7.5 hours without pumping *gulp. I had fever 38.5 - 38.7 degrees. Had to get the massage lady to clear the clogged duct. She took 1.5 hours to clear. I was breaking out in cold sweat and had to bite a tissue. Yes it was really painful. What would normally be a 10 mins process became 1.5 hours. Anyway I really needed that as the clogged duct was threatening to reduce my milk flow.... complex?
2nd time, I was out for 5 hours with TD and I got engorged again. I was desperate to spend some time and reconnect with TD. As I looked at the old FB pictures of TD, it reminded me of how precious he was to me, where I put him above everything, including myself. But now, not only do I not have time with him, he was getting scolded by me as he swings the door too loud with a bang which wakes Ath up, wants to shake Ath's cot to wake her up, wants to jump on me while I am breastfeeding - all to gain more attention from us.
So now I am coping with this 2nd engorgement. I must say I am recovering slowly well from it. Got my papaya soup again since supply seems to clog, and this morning Ath drank very well which helped to clear the clogged ducts. I will probably get my favourite massage lady again in June to clear again. Next week will be a good time since TD is in the school June holiday program till 2:30pm...yeah! haha (instead of usual 11am)
Now, Ath drank only 30ml last night instead of the usual 90-95ml. Now, she prefers not to take the bottle! She is better at latching now, and she has decided to switch to latching? Huh? TD was open to options previously. You give a bottle, he takes, you latch he takes. The only issue I had with TD then was also fast let down. But it was resolved as he got older.
If Ath does not take the bottle, then it would be a problem when I return to work. The confinement auntie says she will try to feed via syringe tonight. I am sliently confident though much as Ath knows what she wants and is being picky now she would eventually be open to both options. I hope ;)
It may not seem so cool to blog about breasts, milk leakage, breastmilk, latching, but what do others know? The fact is it is a significant part of motherhood. It is a challening journey, even for many of my friends who are second time mothers. We desperately want to give our children the best antibodies, the best resistance, less medication and unnecessary chemicals. We try our best to read up on this new chapter, invest in expensive pump sets, seek experience advice from friends all in the aid to try to offer the best to our precious babies.
Regardless of the hurdles to come, I am determined to attain the one year mark. Please let me achieve my goal!