Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hello Baby...

Today Gui and I went for our monthly gynae check-up - our baby is now about 800g, twice the size he was a month ago. Yes, babies are weighed in grams - pretty much like packets of Famous Amos Cookies. According to my sister, thats about four packets ;)

I chose the photo below because Baby_G was pretty much in that position during the scan.

In my earlier scans, the first time Baby_G brought a smile to my face was when he was 11 weeks old. At 3cm in length, he was lying on his back and both arms and legs were cycling in the air quickly like a cyclist. We were wondering then what he was trying to do. Because of his activeness, I think thats why it caused me to have acid reflux from time to time particularly in the first trimester.

After the gynae session, I went home to rest - yeap I have not been sleeping that well. Its either due to Mr Gui returning from work at 2am, and all excited to update me on his happenings; or the baby kicking in the night...Yes I have dark eye circles.

I had a prayer session before dinner just now. According to "The Significance and Benfits of Six-Syllable Mantra Recitation", we should try to make great aspirations during recitation to purify the body, speech and mind. Somehow, for the past few sessions, I have just been very distracted. Thinking about whether I have sort out the documents properly, thinking about the credit card bills, thinking about training programs and staff retention, and I can't believe I turned down an Aston Martin dinner invitation this Thursday since I have an examination this Sat! Well, its all about prioritization isn't it? Especially when I get tired so much easier now. Need to allocate my energy efficiently. Hopefully I get another invitation - in time!


An-An said...

i notice you use 'he' for the baby G?

eimi said...

haha ya...1st scan at 16weeks was a girl..when i told u then...

but the last two scans - apparently its a boy... so gotto assume its a boy...i guess it can only be 100% sure when the baby is out hehe...

An-An said...

girl or boy, as long as the baby's healthy yah?

Congrats again!!!

Actually, I will be joining u in end June. Hah. Only knew after the last outing.

eimi said...

Yeap, all i wish for is a happy and healthy kid :)

Congrats! and take good care.. looks like you are really destined to be a hot mummy..hehe. Actually if you have the option, i think its always better to be early than late...i feel so tired now... and i always wonder whether it would be easier if i was younger :)