Sunday, September 07, 2008


This week was stressful and tiring. Whats new right? The work stress, its just getting into me. Its not even about the technicalities of the work. That you can understand - or eventually fully grasp it with a logical mind. The humans make it trickier. As Mr P once puts it, humans are a lot more complex to understand than the financial markets.

Funny enough J is fundamentally going through the exact same phase as me - somewhat in terms of job satisfaction, and liking things that are forbidden. I have not been doing my spiritual reading, but since J commented today "I feel like my life has no purpose." I picked up Dr K Sri D's "The Purpose of Life". I read today:

The Buddha has classified humankind into four groups:

1. One who works for his own good, but not for the good of others;
2. One who works for the good of others, but not for his own good;
3. One who works neither for his own good nor for the good of others; and
4. One who works for his own good as well as for the good of others.

To elaborate:
Pt 2: One who works for the good of others, but not for his own good - it is he who encourages others to abolish evil thoughts, words and actions but does not strive for the abolition of greed, hate and delusion in himself.

Pt 3: One who works neither for his own good nor for the good of others - it is he who neither strives for the abolition of evil thoughts, words and actions in himself, nor does he encourage others to abolish greed, hate and delusion.

This weekend, I spent some good time with Mummy getting a hair trim together, and then late lunch and a chocolate cake to follow. Counting on my simple pleasures to tide me through... Having a cold now in fact - I guess I'll be sleeping quite soundly tonight ;)


Eeps & Weexy said...

You are right about living a purpose-driven life!

Check this out too -!

eimi said...

hmm interesting.. you read this?