Sunday, January 13, 2008

M&M - Times Square M&M (Oct 2007)

What I liked most about the M&M in New York was having been able to explore tons of different flavours. I bought the coffee and mint flavour home. Opposite was the Hershey's store where I bought one of my family's favourite candy, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.

This is my first entry in 2008. A good start so far I have to say. Job opportunities are suddenly springing up for my fiance & myself. We started doing some daily chants, and attended a charity dinner for Dogs and Cats last evening. I have also finally managed to squeeze in time for Yoga on Wednesday.

Life changing choices get more difficult as you age. For the first time in my life, I did up a Pros and Con List and printed it out!! Oops but then right now, it is a little obselete as more sweet choices are springing up. I have to bear in mind what my mentor said "You shouldn't be working for the $. You have to choose what you like to do, and that is the only way you can do well. Thereafter, drive and determination will lead you to success in your selected field."


Bolly-Chees said...

good to hear u hv new career opportunities..! and yes i agree life changing choices get more diffiuclt when we age. in a similar situation and almost always lost as to what to do...sigh

eimi said...

haha, better to have options than none. Hope you did a pros and cons list... theoretical as it might sound, but it does help me to focus in times of wavering options