Wednesday, February 29, 2012

TD's Instructions

Since young, TD does not really like to be directed. Now, we realise he is actually a little bossy! While it is definitely positive that he has a mind of his own, Daddy and Mummy are often directed by his instructions.

Here is one example. Well it is not a very good example, still every piece below was made under his instructions!


First, TD asked for the vacuum cleaner, then he played with it for a few seconds like he is vacuuming, and asked for a pillow for the vacuum cleaner. Then he asked for a blanket for his v.c.

Next he asked Daddy for a lamp, which Daddy volunteered a lamp that comes with a side table. Then he asked for a blender on a table.

Then a bus, and lastly, the moon.

I guess that very much sums up TD's favourite things at 22 months and three weeks old!

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