Everybody Loves Coke
It's amazing how a can of coke can be highly desirable by a 19 months old. TD's development has been amazing to me.
Here are some of his funny conversations that are memorable to me.
Saturday Nov 19 2011, I woke up and decided that positivity starts from home. So I gave TD three to four big smiles while playing flash cards with him. On the fourth smile, TD smiled back at Mummy, and said "What's so funny?"
Tuesday Nov 22 2011, I was having breakfast with TD, and he wanted some of my fresh milk. I gave him a spoonful.
TD: Thank you.
Mummy: :)
TD: What must you say?
Mummy: surprised, and giggled back uncontrollably "You are WELCOME!"
TD: So loud
Mummy: ?
The Bus
3 weeks ago